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National Farm Healthy and Safety Week 2021

written by

Lynn Watkins

posted on

September 22, 2021

National Farm Health and Safety Week

September 19th - 25th, 2021

Did you know that agriculture has 4 of the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the United States. Farming and Ranching consistently comes in number 8 or 9 on the list of most dangerous jobs. A combination of large unpredictable animals, large farming equipment, and transportation can make farming and ranching very dangerous. Here are my Top 6 tips that you can do to help keep farmers and rancher safe.

  1. Don't Litter. This may seem like a strange tip but when plastic bags, balloons, plastic bottles, and other litter make their way into pastures cattle can ingest them and become ill with Hardware Disease. The rancher who owns the cattle then must get the animals into their cattle handling system, determine what is wrong with the animal, and then transport them to either the vet or take a loss on the animal and take them to the sale depending on the severity of their hardware disease. You can help prevent this by properly disposing of your trash.
  2. Don't Interact With Other's Cattle. Cattle may look cute and cuddly but they can be very dangerous animals when handled improperly. This can be extremely dangerous for you, but can also put cattle on edge and make it more dangerous for a rancher to handle their cattle.
  3. Drive Slow Down Country Roads. Farmers and Ranchers are always on the move down country roads. Whether they are moving equipment, transporting hay, or just moving from field to field you never know when you will drive up on a farmer on an ATV or in a truck or tractor. Driving slowly and carefully down country roads can help to ensure their safety and yours.
  4. Give Farmers and Ranchers transporting goods and animals room on the road. Farmers and Ranchers have to move their products and animals to markets in order to sell them. If you see a Farmer or Rancher hauling products, animals, or equipment give them some extra space and time. You and the farmer will be safer for it.
  5. Give equipment the space it needs. You have likely encountered tractors, combines, and hay equipment moving down the road. Most equipment have a maximum speed of around 25 mph. These farmers and ranchers are just trying to get their work day done, not trying to get in your way. Give them a little extra time and space to keep them and you safe. Not only is equipment very expensive but the farmer or rancher operating it is someone's loved one who is expected home that evening. Keep both yourself and them safe by being patient and passing safely.
  6. Thank a Farmer or Rancher. Farming and Ranching is a stressful and oftentimes demonized job. Mental health is a serious problem with farmers and ranchers. Taking a little time to thank a farmer or rancher for the job that they do and the sacrifices they make can go a long way in improving their outlook.






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